Adult: 5–10 mL of 10% CaCl, or 10–20 mL of 10% Ca gluconate.
Calcium chloride (CaCl) corrosive to skin, SC tissue.
Avoid in digoxin toxicity, hypercalcemia.
Double rate after 15 min if no ill effects
Dose: 1–2 vials IV q4h for 4 or 5 doses reconstitute 1 vial with 2 mL sterile water.
Indications: Clinical botulism, prior to onset of paralysis.
Dose: 1–2 vials IM/IV slowly over 15–30 min dilute 1 vial in 50 mL saline for IV.
Premedicate for anaphylaxis if known equine serum hypersensitivity.
Equine serum derived: Immediate hypersensitivity, serum sickness 10–14 d.
Indications: Severe HTN, muscle spasms not alleviated by analgesics and muscle relaxants consider in extremes of age (65 yr), pregnant women with threatened abortion.
100–150 mEq in 1 L DW at 2–3 mL/kg/hr IV, goal urine pH 7–8īlack Widow Spider Antivenin (Lactrodectus Mactans).
Warnings: May cause CHF, excessive alkalosis, hypokalemia.